Theme: Productive economy


University attracting and retaining young people to support the productive and innovative economies


College high-performing City College providing young people with a range of training & qualifications to meet workforce needs

Places for Growth

Places for Growth coordination and promotion of the City’s investment opportunities, making best use of public assets and public sector risk-sharing approach to delivering new development

Future-proofing the Workforce

Future-proofing the Workforce via coordination and consolidation of skills provision with support for initiatives which contribute to meeting future workforce needs (industrial digital, engineering, KIBS

City Promotion

City Promotion of  the City as an investment location to national and international networks and markets

Tier 1 Investment

Tier 1 Investment action to secure investment by tier 1 supplier(s) in the City

Business Opportunity

Business Opportunity bespoke support to diversify and strengthen the City’s business base in other productive and competitive sectors

Digital City

Digital City review and identify actions for digital infrastructure, skills and connectivity to support future business

Local Industrial Strategy

Local Industrial Strategy  Government supported vision for contributing to raising national productivity

Metro Workforce Plan

Metro Workforce Plan promotion of direct contribution of the Future Proofing programme to the metro economy and engagement with Metro Talent initiative

Global businesses

Global businesses continued presence of internationally recognised companies and brands in the City; driving productivity, supporting innovation and raising national and international profile

Employment Sites

Employment Sites development-ready, large-scale sites located near existing economic centres and strategic transport connections

Productive & Innovative People

Productive & Innovative People with the right skills – both those native to the City and those attracted by: the university; Future Business Leaders programme;   the Regional City Centre; & urban living offer  etc

Metro Living

Metro Living full range of housing across the City and Metro areas to suit different needs and lifestyle choices – particularly those of the productive and innovative workers of the future