Resilient Infrastructure delivery of key environmental & infrastructure projects to ensure long-term resilience and sustainability and protection of business interests (flood protection, highways maintenance, power capacity)
Actions Framework: Programmes
City-wide Transport System
City-wide Transport System affordable and efficient network of city transport connecting communities and areas of economic activity
Work Ready City
Work Ready City delivery through the schools system of range of interventions to develop young people with the aptitude, skills and awareness to enter work-related training and the employment market
Metro schools and business engagement
Metro schools and business engagement metro-level engagement and coordination alongside Aspiring City & Work Ready City Programmes
Aspiring Careers
Aspiring Careers advocacy of City economic vision through engagement with schools & harder to reach communities – clear & concise career path messages about the shape of the future City workforce & opportunities & support available
Enterprise Development
Enterprise Development comprehensive programme supporting community Entrepreneurship, Social Enterprise and Start-ups
Metro Procurement Portal
Metro Procurement Portal enabling supply chain links between SMEs and OEMs across the metro area
Metro Business Innovation Network
Metro Business Innovation Network metro–wide support network between 3 universities, City Councils and SMEs
Local City Champions
Local City Champions network of successful local professionals & businesspeople coordinated to engage & inspire through Aspiring City and Future Business Leaders Programme
Regional & National City Champions
Regional & National City Champions network of leading city professionals, businesspeople & academics specifically coordinated to advocate and promote the City’s economic vision through their networks & fields of work
International City Champions
International City Champions select group of high influence individuals including civic leaders and representatives of City’s global businesses coordinated to promote the City as an investment locations through their networks and activities under the Global Trade programme
Global Trade support
Global Trade support to businesses to increase exports and secure new trade relationships
Places for Growth
Places for Growth coordination and promotion of the City’s investment opportunities, making best use of public assets and public sector risk-sharing approach to delivering new development
Tier 1 Investment
Tier 1 Investment action to secure investment by tier 1 supplier(s) in the City
Metro & Regional Connectivity
Metro & Regional Connectivity joint promotion of investment in improved transport corridors and new technologies
Business Opportunity
Business Opportunity bespoke support to diversify and strengthen the City’s business base in other productive and competitive sectors
Regional Finance For Growth
Regional Finance For Growth Metro and Regional level access to finance strategy and funds
Business Advantage “scale-up” programme
Business Advantage “scale-up” programme partnership-wide support to businesses i.e. City’s most competitive and productive businesses
Metro Supply Chain programme
Metro Supply Chain programme facilitated by sector focused programmes for high-value manufacturing and digital
Digital City
Digital City review and identify actions for digital infrastructure, skills and connectivity to support future business
Local Industrial Strategy
Local Industrial Strategy Government supported vision for contributing to raising national productivity
Metro Workforce Plan
Metro Workforce Plan promotion of direct contribution of the Future Proofing programme to the metro economy and engagement with Metro Talent initiative
Place Marketing
Place Marketing evolution and maintenance of a City brand to concisely outline the City’s economic vison and management of place marketing activities at a regional, national and international level
Future Business Leaders
Future Business Leaders identification and direct training, support and mentoring of business leaders and entrepreneurs under 40
Regional Graduate Plan
Regional Graduate Plan through joint research on graduate destinations from region’s universities & the living/working locations of retained and incoming graduates – working towards a Regional Graduate Plan
Innovation Ecosystem
Innovation Ecosystem through research and production of a 5-year plan (poss conducted at Metro-scale)
City R&D facilities
City R&D facilities network of R&D & commercialisation facilities for innovative products & services